Nine ways to heal after a miscarriage (And Find New Life)

Facing a miscarriage is devastating!  You have been preparing for the birth of this child ever since you knew you were pregnant.

You feel this child growing inside you.  It is part of you. You already have hopes that this child will have a good life, making you proud and happy.

The death of a fetus is no different than any other death.  You grieve every loss in life. 

You not only grieve the death of another human, but you also grieve when you lose any function of your body.

Going through a miscarriage can feel lonely.  You are looking for answers. It is tempting to blame yourself or your husband.

You are afraid to share this news with others for fear of what they might say making you feel even worse. They say things that discount what you have experienced such as “you can try again soon.” 

Many people do not know how to respond to couples after a miscarriage. Often because of their awkwardness, people say things that ignore the pain of the couple who just experienced the loss.

It is essential to take time to heal after a miscarriage.  Not only does your body need to recover, so does your heart, mind and spirit.    Continue reading

4 Simple But Spiritual Ways To Deeply Connect With God Without Going To Church

New Blog Post: 4 Simple But Spiritual Ways To Deeply Connect With God Without Going To Church. There are many ways to connect to God. Here are four simple ways to experience God in your everyday life. To access the … Continue reading

4 Ways to connect with God without going to Church

You don’t have time to go to church, or you just haven’t found the right faith community?  The good news is that there are many ways to stay connected to God without going to church.

The reality is that God is all around you.  God is in the plants, trees, animals, people, insects, water, air and more.

God communicates with you when you quiet your mind, open your heart and feel the Spirit’s presence in your body.

It may seem at times that God has abandoned you, but, God has never left your side. Continue reading

How to Cope with Life Transitions Even When They’re Unexpected

Change is the one constant in life. The more you can go with the flow the more natural change will be. The more you try to stop change the more stressful it becomes.

Life is full of constant change. There are the changes we expect, such as moving from one level of education to another, our first date, marriage, first child, and retirement. Even these are not easy.

Whether or not the change is expected, the challenge is how to cope with life transitions. Continue reading

The Enneagram is Bogus & other misconceptions about the Enneagram

While the Enneagram has ancient origins, it is new for many people.

In the last couple of years, the Enneagram has moved into popular culture. You hear about it on all platforms of social media. There are more and more books written on the subject and workshops offered around the world.

With its increasing popularity there is a growing number of critics and doubters. In the context of increasing information coming out about the Enneagram, I want to counter the notion, that the Enneagram is Bogus.

Click Here to Learn More About the Enneagram

Here are eight misconceptions about the Enneagram. Continue reading

How to Manage the Most Common Challenges of Life Transitions

Right from birth, you are going to experience transitions in life. It starts at the beginning of life at birth.

Can you imagine the shock you must have felt being birthed into the cold world from the cozy, safe home of your mother?

After birth, you go from one transition to another. They include: Your first steps. The first time you rode a bicycle. The first time your parents left you with a babysitter.

Then there is the first day of school. Puberty, when your body starts to go through many physical changes. First serious relationship. Leaving home. Going to university. Marriage, becoming a parent, being fired, moving to a different community, empty nest, retirement and death are all part of life’s journey.

Your goal is to manage the challenges of life transitions as best as you can. Continue reading

Fifteen Reasons Why A Good Relationship with God Will Improve Your Marriage

God comes to you in many ways. God has many names Father, Allah, Mother, Oneness, Divine One and more.

God desires you and your partner to be your best as individuals and as a couple.

A good relationship with God will improve your marriage because the Spirit will help you to find your holy wisdom right within you. Continue reading

How to Connect to God in Your Every Day Life

Who is God for you?  God is more than any one of us can imagine.
It is God who gives you life. It is the Spirit that connects you to all people and life on planet earth.  It is Holy Oneness that gives you direction in life.

Connecting to God in everyday life is possible. It is possible because God resides right within us and around us. Continue reading