Fifteen Reasons Why A Good Relationship with God Will Improve Your Marriage

God comes to you in many ways. God has many names Father, Allah, Mother, Oneness, Divine One and more.

God desires you and your partner to be your best as individuals and as a couple.

A good relationship with God will improve your marriage because the Spirit will help you to find your holy wisdom right within you.

Stories of God and Spirit told through the great religions of the world have much in common. Each of the great religions of the world has something to teach you about God.

You don’t have to attend a church to follow God.  It does help to be part of a community to support and encourage you on your faith journey.

You do need to be careful that you don’t get caught in a group that is trying to manipulate you.  A healthy group will always allow you to ask questions, have doubts and think for yourself.

Building a relationship with the Holy will help you to discover the divine within you. The more you can experience the divine within you the more you can see it in your life partner.

Click here to learn more about having a relationship with God


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Here are fifteen reasons why a good relationship with God will improve your marriage:

1.      You are made in the image of God:

You are holy. You are perfectly imperfect. You have great value for just being you. Your partner and everyone else are made in the image of God.

A healthy marriage requires both of you to recognize that you are part of something greater.

Placing God in the middle of your relationship helps you to know you are not alone in your relationship.

2.      Open to the mystery of life:

You can never define God because the Creator is a mystery. God is like love, and no words can ever adequately describe love.

Staying open to the mystery helps you to remain open to the holy within you and your partner.

God created you with the ability to experience Spirit within you through your three energy centers. It is wired right into you.

When you can be open to your centers, your thoughts, emotions and sensations you can become more attuned to the Spirit.  As you become conscious of the holy weaving through you and your relationships, you will experience a greater depth in your relationship.

3.      Loving Self:

The Spirit helps you to love yourself.  God wants you to know that you are loved unconditionally, just for being yourself.

When you love yourself, you make sure you are getting your needs met.  You take responsibility for your own behaviour. You don’t expect anyone else to make you happy other than yourself. You feel blessed to be alive.

When you love yourself, you open the door to loving your partner unconditionally.  You are better able to see the holy in your partner despite their imperfections.


4.      Love of Neighbour:

Part of the Great Commandment is to love your neighbour as yourself. Love of neighbour invites you to respect people who are different than you.  It calls you to love people who annoy you.  God calls you to see the good in people who have different beliefs than you do.

God is calling you to be able to love beyond all your differences such as the colour of your skin, your points of view, your religious beliefs and annoying habits.

Love of neighbour is a call to us to honour, respect, and love your partner in life.  It is to see the good in your partner.

When you can love your partner for who they are rather than who you want them to be your relationships has a better chance of thriving.  A marriage that is free of manipulation is a relationship that can focus on building up rather than tearing down.


5.      Practising Radical Gratitude:

Radical gratitude puts you in a different frame of mind.  Learning to focus on what you have rather than what you don’t have changes the way you see the world.

When you can feel gratitude for your partner, you are going to see your partner in a different light.  God reminds you over and over, all the reasons you chose this person to be your life partner.

It is hard to be negative, mean and controlling when you are thankful.  When you both have gratitude for what you each bring to the relationship you are going to be able to work through most conflicts that come your way.  Why?  Because you are thankful for the fantastic person you married.

6.      Random acts of Kindness:

7.      The more you practise random acts of kindness in your life the more likely you are going to do it with your partner.

Kindness to your partner opens your hearts.  Acts of caring show them how much you love them.  Kind words and actions show that you can see beyond their imperfections and mistakes.

Kindness invites you to lower the tensions in your relationship.  It gives you a language to speak that will build up your relationship.

8.      Opening your heart:

God calls you to open your heart.  An open heart helps you to be aware of your own needs and the needs of your partners.

An open heart helps you to be more attentive to your partner through being more aware of their emotions.

A receptive heart helps open the pathways for communication that can help you to relate at a deep level.

9.      Taking responsibility for your behaviour:

God calls on you to take full responsibility for your conduct.  The Spirit reminds you through faith that you are the only person who can make you happy.  You can blame only yourself for the poor choices you have made in life.

Even then there is no point in you going into a depression about your mistakes. It is to learn from them and move on.

10.  The power of forgiveness:

Forgiveness helps you to start fresh again whether it is small or big.  For small misunderstandings, it can happen quickly.  But for more significant violations, the process can take years.

If you hold on to the anger from previous life experiences, it is going to poison your relationship with your partner. Forgiveness frees you up to be fully present in your current relationship.

Forgiveness requires you to intentionally work through issues when one or both of you have been hurt. When speaking, use the “I statement” to take responsibility for your thoughts, feelings and emotions. Be clear about what the issue is.

Forgiveness is a process that takes time and patience. It takes intention and a willingness to not only look at your partner but to look at yourself.

11.  Seeing the holy in your partner:

God helps you to see the sacred in your partner.  When you can recognize the sacred in your husband or wife, it becomes much more difficult to put them down. It becomes more difficult to be mean to them.  It becomes more challenging to raise your voice against them.

Seeing the holy in each other encourages you to treat each other with respect, kindness, generosity and love.

12.  Mutuality:

Over time there needs to be a willingness to support each other in becoming your best selves.

There may be times when one is giving more than the other, but it can not stay this way over time.  It always needs to get balanced out.

Mutuality requires good communication to enable you to make share decisions that respect and honour you both.

13.  Generosity:

God calls you to live with a generous spirit. A willingness to fully share yourself with your love can take your love to a deeper level.

A generous spirit leads you to be generous in your time with your loved one.  It encourages you to share your financial wealth, skills, material items with the one you like.

A generous spirit will leave space for forgiveness when there is a misunderstanding.

14.  Covenant:

For God, a healthy relationship requires a bond. Covenant is more than a contract.  It is a deep commitment before God and each other to be in a mutual relationship that seeks to bring the best out in each other.

Covenant requires a deep commitment by all parties including God to do your best to keep your relationship healthy and active.

It is an agreement that requires effort.  It is taking the proper actions when either one starts to see a problem in the relationship.

It includes the willingness to get help whether that be through a priest, minister, mullah, rabbi or professional coach or counsellor to help you get back on track again.


15.  Prayer:

Prayer is always essential to ground yourself in the love of God.  Praying together has the potential to deepen your relationship. It reminds you that you are not alone in your relationship.

Click here to read more about how you to connect with God through meditation

16.  Vulnerability:

For healthy relationships to prosper, you need to learn to be vulnerable. When you are sensitive, you are opening yourself to be changed by God and by the love of your partner.

Vulnerability helps you to be honest about yourself. It helps you to know when you have been wrong.

Vulnerability helps you to find the courage to share your dreams and vision.


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A good relationship with God has the potential to improve your marriage.  It is all about getting connected with the divine within you and around you. Connecting with God helps you to be more present. When you are present, you are open to your three body centers (head, heart and body).
God reminds you that your relationships require commitment.  When you choose to be in a long-term marriage, you covenant with God and each other to love each other unconditionally. An important part of your unconditional love is to bring out the best in each other.

God will not fix your problems.  But God will journey with you through all the ups and downs of life.

Spirit will show you the way to be your best self through you paying attention to your inner world through prayers and meditation.

Having a good relationship with God will remind you every day that you are not alone.  The miracle is that God is all around you showing God’s self through your own heart and the people you meet.

Having a good relationship with God will create a healthy loving environment you to continue building a healthy relationship with the one you love.

I am, Roland Legge a Life Coach here to help you to build a healthy relationship with the one you love. You can join my private newsletter list for Free Monthly Advice and get Your Free Enneagram Test and sign up for a Discovery Call with my team member Bryan Tarr on his calendar at no charge to you.

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