Why It’s Totally Normal To Be Angry At Life After A Divorce (And How To Start To Let It Go)

Going through a divorce is tough, even when done compassionately.

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Awesome Stress-busting tips for all nine Enneagram Types

The Enneagram is a psychological, spiritual map for personal growth. The Enneagram helps you to make a conscious change in your life. As you become self-aware of your behaviour and mindset, you can make better choices.

The Enneagram will point out where you are most likely to get stuck and give you choices that are more in harmony with your needs. It will help you recognize unconscious behaviour allowing you to respond in new and healthier ways.

The Enneagram tackles stress. One popular teaching from Russ Hudson and Don Riso talks about how stress affects our behaviour. Each Enneagram type disintegrates under pressure and shows up in the most dysfunctional behaviour of another type. This dynamic will help you understand why you behave differently under stress.

Stress can affect us at any time, whether you are in heavy traffic, starting a new job or waiting for the results of a test from your doctor. When you get stuck in stress, it pushes your natural personality to its limit and takes on some of the unhealthy behaviours of another type. At times like this, you do not feel like yourself. Continue reading

5 Ways to Outsmart Your Inner Critic

ou have an inner critic, and it is never going to go away.

You would not have survived your childhood without your inner critic. It was there to keep you safe.

Your inner critic is that negative voice within you that lets you know when you are moving into dangerous territory. The trouble is that your inner critic gets alarmed every time you try something new.

While this part of your ego kept you safe when you were young, it starts to hold you back when you become an adult. 

The more you can become aware of when your inner critic is talking, the better able to you will be able to tame this part of your ego. Continue reading

Type One: The Need to get it Right

The Enneagram and You

You are amazing!  You are unique!  There is no one exactly like you!  You are entirely, you!

You are given in the first few months of life, one of nine ways to survive in the world. Your personality type is critical for your survival. Your ego helps you to see yourself as separate and distinct from the people around you, even your parents.

Your ego gives you a framework to make sense of the world and keep you safe. The trouble begins when we come of age and don’t realize how stuck you are in your type. You don’t understand how your personality is limiting your choices and threatening your freedom in the world.

Each personality type is no better or worse than others. They are just different.  Your type shows you where you are already stuck.  Working with this fantastic tool helps you to escape the limitations of your personality, getting you stronger in all nine types.

In this series of articles, I am going to take you on a journey through the nine Enneagram types.  Remember, you have all nine types within you.

To learn more about how your Enneagram Type Impacts what you observe and see in yourself: Click Here Continue reading

The Enneagram is Bogus & other misconceptions about the Enneagram

While the Enneagram has ancient origins, it is new for many people.

In the last couple of years, the Enneagram has moved into popular culture. You hear about it on all platforms of social media. There are more and more books written on the subject and workshops offered around the world.

With its increasing popularity there is a growing number of critics and doubters. In the context of increasing information coming out about the Enneagram, I want to counter the notion, that the Enneagram is Bogus.

Click Here to Learn More About the Enneagram

Here are eight misconceptions about the Enneagram. Continue reading

Nine Reasons Why You Have A Harsh Inner Critic According to The Enneagram

You have an inner critic!  It will never go away. You have a choice to stay in the control of your ego or risk following your inner instincts. Your inner critic wants to be your friend. Your ego likes the … Continue reading

The Top 3 Reasons Using the Enneagram For Couples Builds Stronger Relationships

ou want the best relationship possible with the person you love. You want to be heard, respected, and loved unconditionally. Being heard, respected and loved is all possible if you are both committed to making it happen.

Using the Enneagram for couples builds stronger relationships. First, it helps you to be more self-aware. It helps you to accept and love yourself. It helps you to take 100% responsibility for your own behaviour.

Taking responsibility for your own behaviour invites you to focus on what you are capable of changing. Remember the only person you can change is yourself.
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How to Do Your Own Inner Critic Coaching

You have an inner critic. You will never get rid of it.  Instead of fighting it the best plan is to befriend it. Your inner critic wants to keep you safe in the limitations of your ego.  As a child, … Continue reading

Can Parenting Styles Change Depending On The Situation?

Yes, parenting styles change depending on the situation. How do you know what method to use? It is a matter of staying present in the moment and not getting caught up in the past or future.

Being a good parent requires you to take care of yourself. It needs you to continue your path of self-discovery. It requires you to take full responsibility for your behaviour. Continue reading