Nine paths to healthy relationships based on your Enneagram Type

In our world of online dating, it can be hard to find the perfect match. It doesn’t take much to disappoint you.

When all the excitement and passion of falling in love have waned, you start to see your partner’s peculiarities. They begin to remind you of your in-perfections. It is tempting to run.

With the help of the Enneagram, you can increase your chances of having a healthy relationship. Instead of focussing on finding your perfect partner, it is about you learning to be your best self.

Learn in this article about the Nine Paths to healthy relationships based on your Enneagram Type.

No type is better or worse than another. I am going to share some of the strengths and challenges that come with each Enneagram type. I hope this will help you to notice what is going on inside you without judgement.

Once you can acknowledge your issues and challenges, the Enneagram can help you to find balance again.

In the end, it is all about self-discovery, honesty and taking 100 % responsibility for your self.

It is after taking full responsibility for yourself you are going to attract healthier people.

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6 Signs that it is time to end your relationship

Most relationships begin well. When you are first in love, everything your beloved does is fantastic, cute and endearing.They can do no wrong.

As you move beyond the honeymoon phase, the blinder comes off your eyes, and you see your partner for they are.

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9 Paths to Inner Peace in the time of Covid-19

The word pandemic is a scary word.  You are in shock. You never dreamed this would happen.

You, along with the rest of the world, are living in strange times. Coronavirus is impacting the whole world. 

You are anxious about the health of yourself, your family, colleagues and community. You are also worried if you are going to have money to survive. You are disturbed by a massive decline in the stock market, reducing your retirement savings.

Living in the time of Covid-19 is hard.  The good news is a great time to learn about yourself. 

This worldwide Continue reading

Enneagram Type Two: The Helper

At Your Best:

You are a loving, compassionate person.  You are sensitive, optimistic, helpful, romantic, supportive, energetic and emotionally expressive.

You get great satisfaction from helping friends, family and acquaintances.  Your strong intuition helps you to know what others need. Your true nature is love, and you desire to serve.

While you are always there for the people in your life, you also take care of yourself.

You freely offer your time to serve others without any expectations of people returning the favour.  You take no offence if people do not accept your offer to help. Continue reading

Nine Ways to Liberate your Inner Critic

You have an inner critic, and it is never going to go away. The good news is that you can learn to quiet down this part of your self.

First, here is an introduction to the inner critic and the ego.

The inner critic is part of your ego. Your ego is there to help you differentiate yourself from others. It is the beginning of your growing self-awareness that separates you as a distinct person. Finding your own identity is essential for your survival.

Your inner critic wants to keep you safe. During your childhood years, It helps you to stay safe at a time in your life when you are vulnerable.

The trouble is that the inner critic tries to keep you safe by pressuring you to stay with the familiar. It will panic whenever you try something new.

When you become an adult, it is beneficial to notice when your inner critic is speaking. The voice of the inner critic is usually loud, impatient, abrasive and angry. The voice of your true self is typically gentle, persuasive and patient.

When you are aware that your inner critic is speaking, you then have the choice to ignore it and follow the voice of your true self. You have the option to invite your inner critic to help you be more constructive. You might ask it to let you know when you are getting stuck in fear. Continue reading

Why Doubt is Good for You (And How it can Deepen Your Faith)


Doubt is one of the most excellent tools available to you. It is what your brain does well when given a chance. It is called critical thinking.

To doubt is to be uncertain of a belief or opinion. It is to suspend judgment to seek more opinions deliberately.

Think how much better the world could be if all of us practiced critical thinking before we made any decision for our family, workplace or religious community.

You already do this without realizing it. Many of us, when making a big purchase, will learn about the different options. You will read up on any information you can find.

If you are new parents, you will read some of the latest books on parenting. You will probably go in with some healthy skepticism until you find the author that speaks to you.

Often if we think an offer feels like it is too good to be true, we will do further research, such as being in touch with the Better Business Bureau.

Can you imagine the world without the gift of doubt? Who would you choose to follow unquestionably? Who would you trust so much that you would do as told without question?

Doubt is a gift from God

God gave us minds to use. I believe God expects us to use our minds to help us make our way through our lives. It is the only way to find the truth amid lies and ignorance. Continue reading

5 Ways to help express your desires (and Get) What You Want in Your Relationship …

Do you expect your partner to read your mind? Even if they could read your mind, would you want them to read your thoughts?

Thank goodness, your partner can not read your mind. It is up to you to let them know what you want.

You first will need to discern what you need in your relationship; then find the best way to communicate your desires.

An excellent way to learn what you desire in your relationship is to do some journaling and meditation. If your partner is open, you could experiment with ideas you both have to see if these are activities you desire to do as a couple in the future.

Most of what a good relationship comes from both your willingness to bring out the best in each other.

Here are five ways to help express your desires (and get) what you want in your relationship: Continue reading

4 Signs you are ready to move on after your divorce

No divorce is easy!  Even in the best circumstances, when you can both agree to the terms of the divorce it is still stressful.

Right after your divorce, you will need all the support you can receive.  Friends and family might be enough. But if you are having a hard time moving ahead you would benefit from psychological help.  There is no shame in getting help because this demonstrates your courage.

No matter how you feel, take your time to work through the pain of ending your relationship.  It is time to focus on your own needs.

Here are four signs that you are ready to move on after your divorce: Continue reading

Type Eight the Most Misunderstood Enneagram Type

Type eights, also known as the challengers, know what they need to be doing in the world.  It is always urgent. It needs to be done today and not tomorrow.

You can feel their presence. It feels like a strong wind is always blowing around them.

Type eights challenge us to do the work that needs to be done whether that is overcoming poverty, cleaning up the environment, or whatever they are concerned about. Continue reading

11 Signs that you are in a good Relationship

Relationships are complex. If you want a good relationship, you and your partner need to be committed to making it work.

Being committed means, you need to take responsibility for keeping your own emotional, physical and spiritual health. You need to be one hundred percent responsible for your happiness.

You need a partner who is willing to be responsible for his issues.  He needs to be ready to keep himself healthy and stay committed to building a healthy and robust relationship with you.

There is nothing magical about getting married.  Getting married will enhance healthy relationships and make destructive relationships even worse.

There is no such thing as getting married and happily living ever after without intention and effort.

When you both walk your talk; you are likely going to have a harmonies relationship.  It takes time, patience, self-awareness and playfulness. You can make it happen.  Continue reading