Enneagram Type Two: The Helper

At Your Best:

You are a loving, compassionate person.  You are sensitive, optimistic, helpful, romantic, supportive, energetic and emotionally expressive.

You get great satisfaction from helping friends, family and acquaintances.  Your strong intuition helps you to know what others need. Your true nature is love, and you desire to serve.

While you are always there for the people in your life, you also take care of yourself.

You freely offer your time to serve others without any expectations of people returning the favour.  You take no offence if people do not accept your offer to help. Continue reading

Why Is It Hard to Connect with God When Things Are Going Well?

You know life is going well for you!  Your dreams are coming true.  You love your job. You are in a great relationship.  Everything is going well!  Why with all this good happening in your life, does it feel like something is missing. Maybe it is your relationship with God.

Why is hard to connect with God when things are going well? When you are going through good times, it is easy to forget you still need the holy in your life.

You create the illusion that all this good that has come to you in your life has come from your efforts.  Continue reading